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The Healthy Populations Journal (HPJ)



The Healthy Populations Journal (HPJ) is a multi-faculty, student led, open access, peer-reviewed journal housed at the Healthy Populations Institute (HPI) at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  The HPJ will champion building health equity by disseminating research which addresses the fundamental causes and structural barriers of unhealthy lives and communities around the world. It is imperative that we research the wider determinants of health and create solutions that allow all members of a population to be well.


In the News:


Health stars of tomorrow: The Healthy Populations Institute’s Healthy Populations Journal is led by Dalhousie students with a passion for health equity






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Healthy Populations Institute (HPI)
Dalhousie University
1318 Robie Street, Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2

Telephone:(902) 494-2240


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