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Sarah Moore

Assistant Professor, Dalhousie - School of Health and Human Performance, FoH
Twitter: @SarahAMoore_PhD


Dr. Sarah Moore is an Assistant Professor in the School of Health and Human Performance, Faculty of Health, at Dalhousie University. Her research expertise is in the childhood growth and development, movement and play behaviours, and adapted physical activity for children and youth with disabilities. Dr. Moore is interested in assessing the benefits of and barriers to play and physical activity. She has a particular interest in tracking healthy behaviours from childhood through adulthood and believes that several adult conditions have pediatric antecedents. She is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) and serves on the Board of Directors for the North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM). Dr. Moore’s overall research aims to improve children’s health and quality of life through play and physical activity.

MSc, Applied Health Sciences, Brock University
PhD, Experimental Medicine, University of British Columbia

Research Interests
•    Movement and play behaviours 
•    Adapted physical activity and therapeutic recreation
•    Risky play and dignity of risk 
•    Pediatric rehabilitation
•    Skeletal health and injury prevention
•    Childhood growth and maturation
•    Health across the lifespan
•    Knowledge translation

Notable Awards
•    Distinguished Alumni Award and Premier’s Award Nominee
•    Rising Star in Research Award 
•    Determinants of Peak Bone Mass Young Investigator Award
•    Best Practices in Teaching and Learning Award

•    Selected as consensus panelist at Outdoor Play Canada with the Play, Learning, and Teaching Outdoors (PLaTO-net) initiative
•    Selected as expert statement panelist on the ParticipACTION Report Card for Physical Activity for Children and Youth

Recruiting Graduate Students Interested In
•    Adapted physical activity for children with disabilities
•    Therapeutic recreation for children with disabilities
•    Risky play and dignity of risk for children 
•    Children’s skeletal health and injury prevention 

Recent Publications
Scopus ID#: 57205300633 
Orcid ID#: 0000-0003-3712-0199



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Healthy Populations Institute (HPI)
Dalhousie University
1318 Robie Street, Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2

Telephone:(902) 494-2240


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